Saturday, November 17, 2018

11/19 - Digital Texts/Technologies and Disciplinary Literacy.

    The literacies of this week are about the digital literacies. With the development of social media and technology, there are more and more digital literacies for us to read, and I think they are really convenient than before. Digital literacies for disciplinary learning are really very important in the modern society.Digital devices increase the ability to collaborate, create, and disseminate ideas that can generate solutions to local and global problems. Learners ability to use the Internets networking and knowledge-building resources is only as good as their skills in disciplinary inquiry: asking questions, constructing meaning from data, generating creative solutions, and reflecting on how to improve these solutions for different contexts Disciplinary inquiry with digital texts and tools fosters engagement with content (Coiro, Castek, & Quinn, 2016) Digital literacies represent the use of digital tools to consume and produce knowledge. They also include the mindset and competencies needed to make choices, interact, and engage in an open, networked society (Lankshear & Knobel, 2007; Phillips & Manderino, 2015)
    Digital media can help shape learners understanding of the social and intellectual practices used within different disciplines. Digital literacies afford unbounded opportunities for collaboration and communication of learners intellectual and problem-solving work (see Castek & Coiro, 2015). Consideration of the role of digital platforms and media for local and global inquiry as a part of disciplinary learning is critical to student engagement and purpose for disciplinary literacy. Here is an example in the passage about digital literacies for disciplinary learning which puts students at the forefront of learning by offering opportunities to dialogue and problem solve collaboratively. Learners engage collaboratively in digital spaces to address global science and human rights issues, such as food scarcity and water shortages. They use online resources and collaborate using digital tools to address global issues in ways that improve scientific argumentation (Lawless & Brown, 2015)
    Digital media not only in our lives but have a very broad use in education. In the past, most of schools using chalks and students should take many kinds of books to go to school and they also need to take some note books for different kind of subjects. And every district are closed because of the distance. If there are new books or some new ideas educators will not now immediately. However, with the development of digital media, the tool becomes a bridge of each area , each school and each of us. We can change our ideas as much as possible, we can see the books as we want. We can connect with teachers if we have some problems. And teachers and communicate with students as a secret through media.Teachers use less chalks and students can have class online and do not have to take so many books to school as well.

    As every icon has its two sides, the digital literacies have some advantages and disadvantages as well.In the view of social culture, this conception of digital literacy as what literacy as in the digital era opens up a second-line of argument for understanding digital literacy as a shorthand(Street 1984,p.1). Digital devices have preside over escalating levels of dis engagement from education that in many schools have reached crisis levels. Many have died or been severely damaged in the process. Just as Gee said, if people are to mature their souls, they need to feel a sense of control, meaningfulness, even expertise in the face of risks and complexity. They want and need to feel like hers in their own life stories man sense.They need to feel that they matter and that have mattered in other people's stories. If the body feels on food, the soul feeds on agency and meaningfulness.So, it is important to have some policies about digital literacy. And what do you think about this advantages and disadvantages?


  1. Thanks for the post. I agree that with modern society technology has become a major role in many people's lives and now needs to become a role in education. I know from my experience that technology has help a lot with group work; where we can use google docs/slides to work on projects. With people having busy schedule, it helps to be able to work on your own time and still collaborate. Also it certainly helps when it comes to doing research papers; it easier to search for particular things. Also social media may have a bad reputation but its a great tool to connect with other people and finding opportunities.

    1. Thank you for your time and comment. You are right even though social media has some disadvantages but they are really convenient in our life.

  2. Think you for the ideas of comparing the advantages and disadvantages of digital literacy. While doing the field experience in CPS, I realize that students are using iPad during their classes. At that time, I was very shocked because I think it is not helpful to allow students using electronic devices during lectures, especially for the students with weak self-control. On the other hand, digital technology does promote students learn faster and learn more because it allows them to study at their own pace. It is especially beneficial for fast learners. The other advantages also include saves time, keep a connection to anyone at any time, and so on.

    1. Yeah, it is really convenient to take an e-book when having class because it is light than many books together.

  3. Hi thank you for posting this week. I agree that the inclusion of digital literacy has both advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages you highlighted here are important. I have witnessed some of the disadvantages myself in my high school. My senior year, the school decided to require iPads for all future students. Teachers that I have spoken to say that it has made the classroom more difficult in ways because the books available on the iPad were not up to par with those available in print. It also made student distraction easier. Some of these problems were addressed by the school and this is an important step in understanding the role of digital literacies. We as educators must work to ensure that these disadvantages are combated.

    1. I do agree with you, we as educators must work to ensure that these disadvantages are combated.So, there are many challenges for us.

  4. Hi,
    I agree with you in that technology, specially mobile or computer devices can be a distraction in a classroom and prevent the students to be engaged in the lesson. I have witnessed this during observations. However, I think that the pros outweigh the cons. It is important, then, that we are careful in the way that we utilize technology in our classroom.

    1. Utilizing technology in our classroom really needs take some effort.

  5. "Digital media can help shape learners’ understanding of the social and intellectual practices used within different disciplines. " This is a great way of looking at digital literacy. For example, a great way to use digital literacy in like a politics classroom is to talk about some laws, and maybe show some tweets from the president. There are ways that you can positively use technology in a classroom, but it is also very easy to use technology in a negative way, and end up harming the class.

  6. Thank you for your post. I am currently observing at a school in which students have access to chromebooks. I think there are advantages and disadvantages to this. It can be good at times because this is how they work on their math assignments (specifically using khan academy and Pearson). However, a lot of the times I have noticed that the students are doing other things: browsing different sites, playing games, etc. I do think this issue can be solved if the teacher were to do more supervising. Digital literacies offer multiple representations for learning, allows students to complete tasks at their own pace, and prepares students for their future classroom/careers (since technology is becoming a part of our everyday lives).

    1. Having a policy of the digital media is really important because some students even adults do not have the control of themselves sometimes.

  7. Thanks for your post. Obviously, with the implementation of digital literacy in classes, there are both pros and cons. But I believe that there are more pros than cons. During observations, all classrooms have been integrating technology through the use of chromebooks or ipads. A lot of these classes also have been using Google classroom. But during my observations, I've noticed that a lot of students are off task. There's too much distractions for it to run smoothly. But I've also seen it implemented well enough when the teacher knows what is going on in the class. If we do this well, then the use of digital literacy should work out well for our classes.

  8. Hi, Xuezhi, and thanks for your post! I agree with some of the other commenters that if we focus too much on simply using a piece of technology in the classroom there might be disadvantages (distraction, playing games, etc). But I don't think just having students do their math homework online is enough to be considered teaching digital disciplinary literacy. I really like the example you quoted where "Learners engage collaboratively in digital spaces to address global science and human rights issues, such as food scarcity and water shortages." I think that would be a really great way to use different disciplinary literacies to explore a topic that really matters. Helping students develop and share their solutions digitally would, I think, answer the needs of the soul that you mentioned: being able to choose what/how to share, feeling that it is meaningful, and gaining expertise in what is a complex problem.

  9. Dear Xuezhi,

    Thank you for your post, you brought up some very important questions. I struggle with the advantages and disadvantages of digital literacies in my current classroom which is a blended learning course. This type of course requires students to utilize digital texts to engage with curriculum and I often find that sometimes students' ability or inability to navigate digital texts can overshadow or interfere with their ability to engage with content. I think that it is so important that recognize that not all youth implicitly know how effectively utilize digital resources and that it is part of our job to explicitly addressed those literacy skills too.

    1. I agree with you it is our job to have a skill of these digital tools so that we can teach better.

  10. Interesting post regarding digital media and having to use it in teaching. I say interesting because my concern on the note or fact that its a part of our everyday interaction and having students to engage with literature online or having students engaged with the lesson electronically. Certain students with a learning disability may provide a challenge in the lesson plan because what other method can be provided or what accommodation can be used to help a student learn in the same speed along with everyone else. I think its good to engage with students with current use of technology but to have it as the only way without much practice of other methods in reading and writing can some bad effects onto students.

  11. I like how you point out that we can communicate and connect with teachers outside of our school communities easier. This is a great asset for us to get new lesson plans and connect with our peers, this is an important point that I hadn't previously thought about.

  12. How much do you think social media should be used in the classroom? Do you think that it could actually be beneficial if targeted to just classrooms? I have thought about this for a while on how much should classrooms be social with each other. It certainly could have some advantages and disadvantages.

    1. I think social media is really useful in the classroom today, the tools our teacher used, PPT are all a part of social media.
